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Unlock your potential with Improv Intelligence

Welcome to Improv Intelligence, where we help you elevate your leadership and improve your communication skills through the principles of improvisation and emotional intelligence (EQ). Our creative and immersive workshops are designed to help you express your authentic voice and unlock your potential.

Why Improv

Why Improv Intelligence?


Just like athletes and artists, everyone needs a place to practice.

The research is out! Doing interactive improv activities that put you in a completely immersed state of flow has the ability to change your brain chemistry and allow you to make changes and grow.


In life, there is no script. We never know what is going to happen from one moment to the next, what curve ball is going to come our way.


That's why we're sharing our secret weapon with you.


Our online workshops provide a unique platform for you to deep dive into your growth. Through our unique combination of theatrical improvisation, emotional intelligence, and business, you'll unlock your full potential. 


With our personalized approach, we will equip you with winning strategies and techniques for today's fast-paced world. 


Join us on this transformative journey and unlock your true potential.


Our Experience Sets Us Apart

At Improv Intelligence, we believe improvisational skills are key for personal growth. With over two decades of experience leading teams and empowering individuals, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way professionals learn, grow, and lead. 


We believe that the principles of improv can be applied to any field, and our mission is to help others unlock their potential through our creative and transformative workshops.


Our specially designed activities give you the space to deepen your self awareness, apply new skills, and build confidence through experience, imagination, and creativity. Working with April and Amanda will put you on the fast track to staying present in the moment, breaking out of your comfort zone, and adapting to the unexpected. Join an Improv Intelligence workshop and unlock your full potential today!

Sample Workshops

Our creative and immersive workshops are designed to help you learn while having fun. Join us and discover how applying the principles of improv can help you become a more effective coach or facilitator.

Using Improv for Effective Communication

Active Listening Strategies

The Power of the "Yes"

Strategies for Not Interrupting People

Questions and How They Impact Your Interactions

The 6 Step Process for Conflict Resolution

Creating a Positive, Productive Culture

Applying the Principles of Improvisation

The 5 Styles of Conflict

The Power of Storytelling

The Power of Storytelling in a Group

How Perspective Shapes Our Connections

How to Cultivate Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Team Engagement

To learn more about our workshops, get in touch today.



"Great session last night. You are an amazing facilitator and coach. I learned 4 new ways to help with coaching and facilitation. THANK YOU!"

Laura Casale

Career Coach | Consultant | Facilitator




Let's Work Together

Ready to unlock your potential with Improv Intelligence? Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation.

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